Gordon Massie | Silent Observer
Latitudes Presents Silent Observer, a solo show by Gordon Massie
"Trees have always drawn me in irrespective of the seasons. I often find myself enchanted by their enduring beauty, stable presence, constancy and their ability to silently witness historical events. These traits form a stark contrast to the evolving and transient socioeconomic subject matter that I
usually pursue capturing in still images" - Gordon Massie 2021
Over the course of his life, Documentary Photographer Gordon Massie (b. 1965) has resided, for extended periods, on three different continents. In each instance he actively embraced the culture and immersed himself in the country that he, for that period, called ‘Home’. Most recently (and somewhat
unexpectedly) London became Massie’s new Home when a transient business trip evolved into something more permanent. In March 2020 Massie found himself in a precarious position, ‘locked-down’ and unable to travel back to South Africa as the responses to the Coronavirus Pandemic spread from Wuhan, China across the world to the United Kingdom. In a strange twist of fate Massie discovered himself perfectly positioned to experience London as the city and its people evolved over the lockdown period.
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