Trevor Coleman

At 85 years old Trevor Coleman, has been a practicing artist for 60 years.
From age 25, Trevor lived in London for 5 years, which he states was the “university of life”, spending his time at the Central School of Art, visiting galleries and meeting artists such as Henry Moore.
“An artist should be an explorer”, says Trevor, who applies this both figuratively in his creative process, and literally through his travels around the globe. His styles vary from abstract to figurative and he is constantly focused on new ideas, new techniques and moving forward. Trevor has travelled extensively, drawing inspiration for his artworks from places such as India, Morocco, Zanzibar, Mali, Tunisia, Madagascar, and Seychelles.
Trevor never gave up being a full-time artist. “Art is a full-time experience in your life”, he says, "Through art I express my feelings. It’s endless.” Over the years, Trevor’s artworks have been successfully sold at auctions and displayed in numerous exhibitions from South Africa to London.
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