Emerge | Olivia Mae Pendergast
“Waves emerge from the sea, riding on the surface of the collective waters, each believing it is separate from surrounding waves, each with its own shape and form and its own particular perspective in which it is orientated to the world. Eventually it tires and returns back to the Truth of the sameness that it never wasn't.
We, too, emerge into life and seeing the difference of form of the "other", assume we are separate. The ego's job, to define
the edge of self, of Me, to keep the individual safe and fed, devours any and all information about our separateness, our specialness. We rise out of the crowd, out of the background or the field of colour, an individual, believing in the story of Self.
I am unique.
Nairobi, a massive city, a storm surge of humanity, constant and unrelenting and yet... each person, so beautiful, with a
meaningful life. If the time is taken, the moment is held, there is this beautiful opportunity, when oriented from Love, to see each person as holy, their journey sacred, their life rising out of the common-ness. Each life, a sweet story of relating, of falling lost, of coming home. A worthy epic of a hero's tale, but lost in the roaring of the sea.
Each person, both unique and completely the same.”
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