ArtistLab | in and of culmination
in and of culmination:
the resulting exhibition from the artist development programme ArtistLab
The result or consequence of an action or cause / A crucial or decisive point or situation
This online exhibition is the culmination of Latitudes’ five-week ArtistLab mentorship programme, and presents a selection of artworks from each participating artist, works that were produced during the programme. ArtistLab works with artists at varying levels of their careers, mostly emerging, to equip them with the skills and tools needed to navigate the art world as professional artists.
This exhibition explores different ways in which we can experience art and looks at new means of exhibiting and sharing content. The show highlights the processes in which the artists interact with digital platforms, as well as how audiences may engage with them. Devoid of physical engagement, what other means can we use? How can we innovate to overcome the challenges of experiencing art online?
The show, in and of culmination, seeks to think about culmination not as an end point, but rather as transitory, a threshold, a point that can continuously be revisited. It seeks to think about culmination in the astronomical sense. In observational astronomy, culmination is the moment in time of the transit of a celestial object, that being the Sun, the Moon, a planet, a star, or a constellation that is observed. An object is said to culminate when it reaches its highest point in the sky. Consequently, an object at culmination may equivalently be described as transiting the meridian, or often simply transiting.
Periods of transition as observed are usually filled with unlearning and learning, shedding, letting go of what no longer works and adopting new methods. Something this group of artists have experienced over the course of the ArtistLab mentorship programme. Therefore, taking their cue from the stars, I would like to think of each artist, as being in a process of culmination, transiting through their artistic careers, some as practising artists in their own right and others just beginning this journey. The exhibition showcases the rich support and multifaceted approach to mentorship in the arts. The artists’ works range from photography, sculpture, installation, painting, demonstrating the wide selection of artists and their many interests.
The artists’ works, depth, scale, shifted over the programme and they were encouraged to think about and challenge themselves to consider not only the bond between artist and materiality but also conversations in exhibiting their art-making on a digital platform.
Curated by Nikita Keogotsitse
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