WORLDART | Pangu Ndasakura Ndazunza (We've done what we can)
WORLDART is delighted to present a new body of work by Tafadzwa Masudi titled Pangu Ndasakura Ndazunza (We've done what we can).
Following the success Tafadzwa Masudi recently had in Paris at the AKAA Art Fair in Paris.
Masudi’s narrative explores the reality that migrants face when leaving their country of birth. From a place where they have an identity, a presence and network to a place where these things don’t exist for them and they have to start at the bottom in order to share in the resources. He presents the figures in his paintings as people with ambition, stylishly dressed and optimistic.
Balloons suggest celebration but can also be seen as a reference to the precariousness of their situation - it can pop any moment. Sometimes these balloons are positioned as masks. The thick, patterned, flower-like patterns are in fact doilies, a reference to the doilies that his mom and aunt used to make before they’d take a bus from his native Harare in Zimbabwe to go to Mozambique and Botswana where they’d sell it – a nod to the strength of the women in his life. Masudi’s work suggests that we look deeper than the surface and that there is beauty to find.
This show runs from 23 November - 21 December 2023.
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