Chelsea Young
Living and working in Cape Town, South Africa, Chelsea’s practice has evolved into a physical response to memory; as if to find meaning through making.
This response takes shape as an expression of colour and movement using oil pastels and a combination of acrylic and oil paints, creating layers through the process of revealing and concealing.
Chelsea completed her Fine Art Degree at the University of Stellenbosch, where she received a distinction for her practical component, focussing on ‘art as experience’ through the use of colour and scent.
In 2022, Chelsea participated in two, International Artist-in-Residence Programmes, one in Kenya’s Rift
Valley and one in the village of Andore, India. These experiences were instrumental to the shift in her creative practice towards retrospective, memory-based artworks and internal landscapes.
Her work becomes an invitation to observe memory. To celebrate its beauty, complexity, and capacity to shape our individual and collective identities.